by Vashdonoglu » 14 Aug 2008, 11:11
Dear Hayk and all,
I already informed the webmaster that the issue 8-9 (n89.pdf) is not available. Their reply was that they still didn't receive the files of that particular issue from Yerevan.
Apparently, the website is designed and maintained outside Armenia.
In turn, we thank DzaynHamshenakan team for this great work with their limited financial resources.
We recommended to issue a Turkish version for DH for our people in Turkey (Hemsin Sesi) but they have limited resources so it wont be realized in the near future. Professional translators are needed for this job.
We also recommend that some interesting articles be translated to Turkish and English and posted on the forum. One of our friends in Europe translated an article and we will post it on the forum very soon.