by Anahid Keusseyan » 03 Mar 2009, 19:42
Dear Forum members,
I have just returned from Ethiopia. I have been around the world many times, work related extended visits. Africa, is not an exotic land for me, to find excitement and adventure. I am 72 years old female professional. I can assure all of you that I know a little bit of Armenian and world history.
I have no right to assume that all the members of this forum are young. However, it makes me shudder reading very ignorant statements on this page. I am not very familiar with the Armenian community in this part of the world or elsewhere, but whenever I have met some Armenians, - I have looked for them wherever I have been, all of them I have found very respectable, kind and patriotic in their own way - I have tried to listen to them and respect their approach to political or religious or social arguments, taking into consideration their background and educational level. Unfortunately, ignorance is rampant as it is with all the races and nations everywhere.
However, at this stage of our existence, being scattered around the world, I cannot understand all the huffing and puffing of some claiming to be GOOD or BAD Armenians. I am assuming, most of you have a post secondary education, and you must be educated, not a narrow minded begot. How much any one of you know YOUR OWN HISTORY, without the hekyats. How much any one of you know the history of religion(s), and the purpose of religion(s). How much do you know the geological upheavals of this (to day) small land called Armenia. What has changed in this world during the last 40 thousand years. How many of you have gone deeper into your heart and asked the question "WHO AM I".
I do not like the word PRIDE. But I can assure you I am very very comfortable in my Armenian skin. I would not like to be born in any other race. All our weaknesses and timidity are a result of something, individually and collectively. We are not different from other races and nations. But, there is something in this race called Armenian, the genius to exist. Have any one of you asked Why?
Why all the commotion about the Hamshenites. So what if they are not Christian. Can you show me a Christian anywhere in the world? If you find one, let me know. The essence of Christianity already was lost in the fourth and fifth century. Ask yourselves, why did the Armenian church did not attend the Christian councils. It is flimsy excuse to say, because we were at war?
Have you seen an African Armenian? who speaks better Armenian than so called intellectuals. Deep down in Yoruba land, there are some Africans claiming their father's identity. In Ethiopia, ha, ha, ha. Does any one of you know that 40 thousand years back a link was created between Armenian highlands Egypt and Ethiopia. The world geography was different. Do you know that there is a lake in Ethiopia called 'Hayq'. There are some remnants of temples and Christian churches. They had kings called 'Minas' and saints in that same order. The same link goes to French Basque region and South America to the old civilizations.
It is very easy to criticize and put the blame on others. Huffing and puffing does not serve to anything constructive, neither individually nor collectively. If one does not know his or her own history, it is better to listen and specially read and study history. Unfortunately, all of us we have entered into a chaos where ignorance is worshipped and promoted in every way. We are new in the game of political manoeuvring, plus every new generation's genes are the product of the past, so no experience and no cunningness has passed through the genes. May be few not a collective characteristic. We have become very submissive and pliant throughout the ages. Now it is the time to realize who we are and bring out the long lost genes of reverence and honour towards the human being. We were like that, but throughout centuries with all the barbarians from east and west have contaminated our genes, and accordingly our character.
What a big deal, the Hamshenites are Moslem. Faith has nothing to do to which denomination one belongs. who is better, the Catholic or the Protestant or the Calvinist, or the Sunni or the Shia or the Alevite or the Buddhist or the Hindu etc. How many gods are there?
Ask yourselves. Why did Armenians accept Christianity first. What was the reason. From where this so called Christian faith come. Who was Christ and Jesus. Where is the root of this philosophy. What was the political and social circumstances of that world at the time. To all the why's there is an answer. Give another 5 to 10 years, all the machinations of the roman empire in this case Vatican and its cronies will come out. Read serious research in religions studies, compare and specially THINK. Never accept the written history like melted butter, it is very very bitter, do not swallow the presented smudge with rotten impurities, try to pass it through very fine sieve, before accepting the presented version.
Find and read Prof. P. Herouni's book, ' Armenia and Old Armenians' you will learn a lot. If any one of you is young and interested in astrophysics and astronomy, will find a lot of subjects to do research. Good luck.
I am not good in expressing myself. How I wish I had an eloquent verbal gift. But this is what nature, my parents have given me. The greatest gift, I am born in an Armenian family.
If I offended any one of you, GOOD. If I stepped on other peoples corns and you are screaming havoc, very very good. Think before anyone pours unreasonable criticism on others. Show with your life and work what you can change or do. Strive to improve yourself, be better than your surrounding. Be an example for your children and community. Be a good father and mother as there is the lack of it everywhere, if you want to be useful for Armenia and the world where you live in.
Best to all of you. Anahid